<--- %%NOBANNER%% --> import.sas

/*-------------------<---Start of Description-->---------------------\
| Import an external file to a sas data;                             |
|---------------------<---End of Description-->----------------------|
|------------<---Start of Files or Arguments Needed-->---------------|
| Argument:                                                          |
|   infile: the file you want to import;                             |
|   outdata: the sas data your want to save the contents of the file;|
|   dbms:                                                            |
|         ACCESS              Microsoft Access database         .MDB |
|         DBF                 dBASE file                        .DBF |
|         WK1                 Lotus 1 spreadsheet               .WK1 |
|         WK3                 Lotus 3 spreadsheet               .WK3 |
|         WK4                 Lotus 4 spreadsheet               .WK4 |
|         EXCEL               Excel Version 5 spreadsheet       .XLS |
|         EXCEL4              Excel Version 4 spreadsheet       .XLS |
|         EXCEL5              Excel Version 5 spreadsheet       .XLS |
|         EXCEL97             Excel 97 spreadsheet              .XLS |
|         DLM delimited file  (default delimiter is a blank)    .*   |
|         CSV delimited file  (comma-separated values)          .CSV |
|         TAB delimited file  (tab-delimited values)            .TXT |
|   replace: if a file with the same name exists,                    |
|         T - overwrite it,                                          |
|         F - append to it;                                          |
|-------------<---End of Files or Arguments Needed-->----------------|
|------------------<---Start of Files Created-->---------------------|
| Example: %import(infile=c:\temp.xls, outdata=attest.covar);        |
| Usage:   %import(infile=, outdata=, dbms=tab, replace=t);          |
\-------------------<---End of Files Created-->---------------------*/
%macro import(infile=,         /**Input data set ***/
              outdata=,        /**output excel spread sheet*/
              dbms=tab,        /**DBMS can be CSV, tab, ...*/ 
              replace=t);      /**Replace the existing file? */
| Author:  Duo Zhou;                          |
| Created: 7-21-2001 7:23pm;                  |
| Purpose: Import an external file into a sas |
|          data set;                          |
%let out=%qscan(&outdata,1,%str((),));
%local fileref;
%let fileref=%qscan(&infile,1,%str((),""''));
%if &dbms ne %then %do;
   %let dbms=%upcase(&dbms);
%else %do;
   %let dbms=TAB;
%if &replace ne %then %do;
   %let replace=%upcase(&replace);
%else %do;
   %let replace=T;
%if &out ne %then %do;
   %put --> Note: Wait! The system is importing from an input datafile;
   %put -->       "&fileref" ;
   %put -->       to the data set "&out". ;
   %if (%quote(&fileref) ne) %then %do;
      proc import datafile="&fileref"
                       out=&out DBMS=&dbms %if (%quote(%upcase(&replace))=T) %then %do;
   %else %do;
      %put ==> Alert! You forgot to give me an input datafile.;
%else %do;
   %put ==> Alert! You forgot to give me an output dataset.;
%mend import;